Getting Started
#-G Terms



In 3D graphics, a fan is a polygon that is made up of a central point, called the apex, and a number of rays, called the blades. The blades are connected to the apex at their endpoints.

Here are some of the properties of a fan in 3D graphics:

  • Apex: A fan has a central point, called the apex. The apex is the point that all of the blades radiate from.
  • Blades: A fan has a number of rays, called the blades. The blades are the lines that connect the apex to the other points on the fan.
  • Normal: A fan has a normal. The normal is a vector that points in the direction of the fan's outward facing surface.
  • Area: A fan has an area. The area is the amount of space that the fan takes up.
  • Orientation: A fan has an orientation. The orientation is the direction in which the fan is facing.
  • Material: A fan can have a material. The material is used to define the appearance of the fan.

Here are some of the uses of fans in 3D graphics:

  • To create a smooth surface: Fans can be used to create a smooth surface. This is because the blades of the fan can be used to create a large number of triangles, which can give the surface a smooth appearance.
  • To create a curved surface: Fans can also be used to create a curved surface. This is because the blades of the fan can be used to create a large number of curved triangles, which can give the surface a curved appearance.
  • To create a textured surface: Fans can be used to create a textured surface. This is because the fan can be textured with a texture map, which can be used to give the surface a realistic appearance.

Here are some additional tips for using fans in 3D graphics:

  • Use a consistent number of blades: It is important to use a consistent number of blades throughout a fan. This will help to ensure that the fan is smooth and uniform.
  • Use the right type of fan: The type of fan that you use will depend on the desired appearance of the surface. For example, if you want to create a smooth surface, you should use triangular fans. If you want to create a more complex surface, you can use fans with more than three blades.
  • Optimize the number of blades: The number of blades in a fan can affect its performance. If you are using a lot of blades, you may want to consider optimizing the number of blades to improve performance.

Overall, fans are an important part of 3D graphics. They can be used to create a variety of surfaces, including smooth, curved, and textured surfaces. By understanding the properties and uses of fans, you can create more realistic and efficient 3D graphics.


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Updated 03 Apr 2024
Doc contributor
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