Getting Started
H-M Terms

Morph Target


A 3D mesh that represents a specific deformation of a base mesh. Morph targets are used to create smooth and realistic animations by allowing the game engine to interpolate between different morph targets.

Morph targets are created by deforming a base mesh and saving the resulting mesh as a separate file. The base mesh is typically a low-poly mesh that represents the basic shape of the object. The deformed mesh is a high-poly mesh that represents the object with the desired deformation.

When animating an object using morph targets, the game engine first loads the base mesh and the desired morph targets. Then, the game engine interpolates between the base mesh and the desired morph targets to create the animated mesh.

Morph targets are a powerful tool that can be used to create smooth and realistic animations in game development. Here are some of the benefits of using morph targets in game development:

  • Smooth and realistic animations: Morph targets allow the game engine to interpolate between different morph targets to create smooth and realistic animations. This can be used to create a wide variety of animations, such as facial expressions, body movements, and even cloth simulations.
  • Reduced file size: Morph targets can be stored in a compact format, which can help to reduce the file size of the game. This can improve loading times and performance.
  • Flexibility: Morph targets can be used to create a wide variety of animations, which gives game developers a lot of creative control.

Here are some of the drawbacks of using morph targets in game development:

  • Complexity: Morph target animation can be complex to implement, as it requires the game engine to be able to interpolate between different morph targets.
  • Performance impact: Morph target animation can have a performance impact on the game, as the game engine needs to interpolate between different morph targets.
  • Limited detail: Morph targets can only represent a limited amount of deformation. For animations with a lot of detail, morph targets may not be able to provide the desired results.

Overall, morph targets are a powerful tool that can be used to create smooth and realistic animations in game development. However, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks of using morph targets, such as complexity and performance impact.

Here are some additional tips for using morph target in game development:

  • Use a consistent naming convention: Using a consistent naming convention for morph targets will make it easier to keep track of them.
  • Use high-quality morph targets: Using high-quality morph targets will produce better results with morph target animation.
  • Use the right morph target format: The morph target format you use will affect the performance of your game. Choose a format that is appropriate for your needs.
  • Use a morph target streaming system: A morph target streaming system can be used to load morph targets only when they are needed. This can help to improve performance by reducing the amount of memory that is used.


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Updated 03 Apr 2024
Doc contributor
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