What's New
Release Notes

Closed Beta 0.3


Today we in the Sceneri team are proud to follow-up our initial closed beta release with the Sceneri 0.3 build.

In this release, we focused heavily on the core interaction model within the touch interfaces to make sure the experience of designing and playing in Sceneri is as fluid as possible. Along with the interaction we have opened up the player options to support driveable vehicles within this release.

Not to be outdone we have also improved the lighting quality within the scenes as well as offering material emission and bloom within your projects. These advanced materials can be found in the previously released Solaris sample.

Similar to the first release we have packaged 2 new samples highlighting our work in this version of Sceneri - one being Buggy Bash for vehicle physics and the other being Robo Runner highlighting the different components available to use for game mechanics.

We are looking forward to seeing your creations on Discord and our social channels!


Improved interaction

Within our first closed beta release we saw the need to polish the interaction within the viewport to make designing inside of Sceneri as fluid as needed. For this release we have simplified the movement to swipe panning, pinch zooming, and two-finger drag for orbiting the camera around the touch point.

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Revamped UI

In this version of Sceneri we have started to shift usage to be contextual and broken up the original UI that did not scale as well on iPhone displays. Now broken into multiple panels you will notice the main tools reside on the left panel as well as in the Radial Menu.

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Reworked gizmo

Within this release we have worked to make the gizmo easier to recieve gesture inputs and touch targets. The gizmo remains accessible through the Radial Menu and works in all three axis (X/Y/Z) with move, rotate, and scale gizmos.

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Virtual controller and vehicles

The virtual controller allows for joysticks to be laid over the screen when you are in play mode to drive movement. Within all samples we provide a virtual controller for both the vehicle driving as well as the standard character move/jump actions. In the sample below you will find the new vehicle implementation located within Buggy Bash.

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Inspector and Add Components

In the first step to exposing properties of objects within your scene we have included the Add Components panel as well as the Inspector in order to see the unique properties of each selected object in your scene. Both of these tools will grow immensely in the coming releases and the Inspector itself will be the key focal point to adjust per-object properties in the viewport.

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The hierarchy panel allows for a full per item list of everything located within your scene. You are able to scroll and see each object within the scene and the example shown uses the hierarchy panel to find the sun (directional light) and change its angle.

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Emissive materials

Highlighted within the Solaris sample material emission and bloom has been integrated to give that glowing "Tron" look that everyone has come to know. Along with the emission to properly work we have integrated bloom and a lens flare that shows up best in extreme emission examples.

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Sample distribution shadow maps

Sample Distribution Shadow Maps are a major upgrade from the previous shadow implementation that we had. Shadows inside of scenes are now very crisp and supply hard shadows expected from a strong source such as the sun.

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Sample Content


Robo Runner was born out of the idea to test mechanics within the engine through an obstacle course. You will find the most comprehensive collection of mechanics out of all of the samples located within the level.

Not only are you tested with numerous rotating and oscillating spline objects, but also you must be aware of physical properties on object surfaces that can restrict or propel the players movement.

We hope you enjoy Robo Runner as much as we have in making it!

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Buggy Bash

Buggy Bash is our first sample showcasing vehicles directly inside of Sceneri. The vehicle use case in this example is a dune buggy that you race through a bubbly toon environment.

Within the scene are jumps and bridges to navigate through, along with several checkpoints in the level to keep track of your best times. Look out for additional vehicle samples in the future focused on realistic vehicle physics utilizing our Jolt implementation.

Over time we have all played this quite a bit in the team and look forward to seeing the best laps the community can pull together!

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Video Tutorials

Additional Features

  • Spline tool improvements
  • Documentation button
  • Sharing functionality
  • Lighting improvements
  • Shadow resolution improvements
  • SSAO improvements
  • Bloom
  • Lens flares

Known Issues

  • Asset browser can only scroll inbetween thumbnails
  • Settings icon is inactive
  • Spline tool doesnt show being active in panel when being used
  • Shadows create seams on edges of modular pieces
  • AR scene scaling does not work on play
  • Spawnpoint shadow remains after entering play mode

Additional Resources


Please be sure to submit issues or feature requests through the embedded feedback form. In the event it is a major issue please contact us directly through Discord.