What's New
Release Notes

Closed Beta 0.4


We are thrilled to announce the official release of Sceneri 0.4! This update includes a variety of new features and tools that will help you create your own games on the Sceneri platform. 

One of the key updates is the revamped the Asset Library, users will notice it contains assets from all of our projects which can be simply dragged and dropped into the level. This makes it easier to find the exact asset you need to make a scene.

Document image

In this update we’ve also included audio presets with projects, along with audio spots, and a new look to our context UI that puts the tools you need in the moment right at your fingertips. We have full game loops and menus within our samples, so your game can seamlessly go from start to finish! And time sensitive games now start with a countdown before gameplay. Here's a breakdown of what else we've included:

Sample Content

Slight Heist

Within the newest Sceneri release we have coupled all sample content into the asset library while also giving several new samples to showcase the platform and its tools. We start by shipping Slight Heist which gives an urban setting and numerous props for a platform sample. This sample was derived off the Shooter Pack given by Quaternius and then laid out in a traditional FPS layout.

Slight Heist

Along with Slight Heist we are shipping Rogue Mars that gives a world building kit for a space scene and rugged low poly Mars landscaping. Originally designed by Kenny.nl as a Space Kit, we have expanded the pack to be far more modular and larger pieces to quickly build out.

Rogue Mars

Additional Features


Sceneri now provides default audio presets with projects, along with audio spots. With our flexible audio solution we can import a wide variety of file types to get the exact sound or music required for a game.

Context UI 

New context UI puts the tools you need in the moment right at your fingertips. Avoiding the cluttered UI and focusing on snapping when you need to snap or editing points when in the spline tool.

Context UI

Transparent UI

We've introduced transparency to our user interface for a sleeker look. Look for us to expand this to more Editor panels in future releases.

Transparent UI

Game Loops & Menus

We now have full game loops and menus within our samples, to allow your game to go from start to finish! By default we support platforms and racing types. Utilizing the gameplay mechanics inside of the asset library you can apply an end game condition to your levels with the Finish Flag asset.

Game Loop

Gravity Components

The new gravity components allow you to change the gravitational forces in the scene. Decoupling gravity from the application allows you as the designer or player to run or trigger gravity changes within your game.

Known Issues

  • Thumbnails buffer or flicker on scroll
  • Project screen unresponsive in Sceneri Explore
  • Opening multiple projects can cause a crash
  • Objects can lock when pulled from Asset Browser
  • Thumbnails flicker when scrolling
  • Vehicle assets have front axle in back when dragged in
  • Skybox sometimes can be selected
  • Dragging in an asset from the asset browser can cover the viewport


  • Add ability to choose whether to play or remix from the play page
  • Audio
  • Asset library
  • Context-sensitive editing UI
  • UI transparency
  • Add maximum interaction distance for the camera to fix odd behavior when touching the far end of the skybox
  • Fix the grid not being considered for viewport movement
  • Implement new four finger tap action to hide the edit mode UI
  • Overhaul scrolling behavior in draggable lists and grids
  • Support tapping materials in the asset browser to apply
  • Support tapping entries in the asset browser and create component panel to spawn them at the center of the viewport
  • Cleaned up asset browser design
  • Add new in-game pause menu
  • Fix possible outline and selection stage crash if material instance hadn't finished loading
  • Game rules finish conditions
  • Add new countdown game rules module
  • Fix vehicle steer assist being active when falling
  • Fix case where the scene wouldn't be saved on application quit
  • Fix case where visible render items would not be correctly cleared
  • Fix iOS / Mac Catalyst trackpads being recognized the same as scroll wheels
  • Switch to all new backend on Azure
  • Game rules modules
  • Switch to lock-free method of updating components
  • Enable device memory pool for iOS
  • Implement per-scene render item transform buffer to save memory
  • Gravity components
  • Expose most components to the add component panel
  • Implement component and asset pickers
  • New projects page
  • Optimized UI updating / redrawing
  • Refactor widget drawing to completely skip drawing on frames where UI didn't change
  • Reverse shadow bias and winding

Additional Resources


Please be sure to submit issues or feature requests through the embedded feedback form. In the event it is a major issue please contact us directly through Discord.