Getting Started
H-M Terms



A region of storage that is used to store data and instructions. Memory is divided into two types: Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read-Only Memory (ROM).

  • RAM: Random Access Memory is a volatile memory that stores data and instructions that are currently being used by the computer. RAM is accessed randomly, meaning that any data or instruction can be accessed without having to read through all of the data or instructions that are stored in RAM. RAM is typically much faster than ROM, but it is also more expensive.
  • ROM: Read-Only Memory is a non-volatile memory that stores data and instructions that are permanently stored in the computer. ROM is accessed sequentially, meaning that the computer must read through all of the data or instructions that are stored in ROM before it can access the data or instruction that it needs. ROM is typically much cheaper than RAM, but it is also much slower.

In computer programming, memory is allocated to variables and objects. When a variable or object is created, the computer allocates a region of memory to store its data. The amount of memory that is allocated to a variable or object depends on the type of data that it stores. For example, a variable that stores an integer will need less memory than a variable that stores a floating-point number.

When a program is running, the computer keeps track of the memory that is currently being used. This is done by using a data structure called a memory management unit (MMU). The MMU keeps track of which variables and objects are currently in use and which variables and objects are no longer in use. When a variable or object is no longer in use, the MMU frees up the memory that it was using. This allows the computer to reuse the memory for other variables and objects.

There are two types of memory management: static and dynamic.

  • Static memory management: In static memory management, the amount of memory that is allocated to variables and objects is determined at compile time. This means that the amount of memory that is allocated cannot be changed at runtime. Static memory management is typically used for variables and objects that are known at compile time.
  • Dynamic memory management: In dynamic memory management, the amount of memory that is allocated to variables and objects is determined at runtime. This means that the amount of memory that is allocated can be changed at runtime. Dynamic memory management is typically used for variables and objects that are not known at compile time.

Here are some of the benefits of using memory in computer programming:

  • Efficiency: Memory can be used to store data and instructions that are currently being used by the computer. This can improve the efficiency of the computer by reducing the amount of time that it takes to access data and instructions.
  • Flexibility: Memory can be allocated to variables and objects at runtime. This gives programmers more flexibility in how they use memory.
  • Reusability: Memory can be reused for different variables and objects at different times. This can help to improve the efficiency of memory usage.

Here are some of the drawbacks of using memory in computer programming:

  • Complexity: Memory management can be complex, as programmers need to keep track of which variables and objects are currently in use and which variables and objects are no longer in use.
  • Performance impact: Memory management can have a performance impact on the program, as the computer needs to spend time managing memory.
  • Memory leaks: Memory leaks can occur when a program fails to free up memory that is no longer in use. This can lead to a decrease in the performance of the program and can even cause the program to crash.

Overall, memory is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the efficiency, flexibility, and performance of computer programs. However, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks of using memory, such as complexity and performance impact.


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Updated 03 Apr 2024
Doc contributor
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