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Raycasting is a technique for rendering 3D scenes by tracing rays from the viewer's eye through the scene and determining which objects the rays intersect. The color of each pixel on the screen is then determined by the color of the object that the ray intersects.

Raycasting is a simple and efficient technique for rendering 3D scenes, but it can be limited in its ability to represent complex scenes.

Here are some of the benefits of raycasting:

  • Simple: Raycasting is a simple technique that can be implemented relatively easily.
  • Efficient: Raycasting is an efficient technique that can be used to render 3D scenes in real time.
  • Accurate: Raycasting can be used to render 3D scenes with a high degree of accuracy.

Here are some of the drawbacks of raycasting:

  • Limited to simple scenes: Raycasting is limited to rendering simple scenes. Complex scenes with many objects and complex lighting can be difficult or impossible to render using raycasting.
  • No shadows: Raycasting does not support shadows natively. Shadows can be added to raycasted scenes, but this requires additional calculations.
  • No reflections: Raycasting does not support reflections natively. Reflections can be added to raycasted scenes, but this requires additional calculations.

Overall, raycasting is a simple and efficient technique for rendering 3D scenes. However, it is limited in its ability to represent complex scenes.


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Updated 03 Apr 2024
Doc contributor
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